What else is known of Richard Colins life in Berlin during WWII?


A photo taken in New York around 1980. Richard Colin was in his mid-80‘s.

I am a 2nd cousin to Richard Colin who was born in Dresden but married and lived throughout the war in Berlin. He was a well regarded artist who specialized in works on paper. His self portrait is included in the famous Feldberg Collection now housed at the Jewish Museum.

The collection of Siegbert Feldberg, a garment industry entrepreneur in the 20‘s, was on exhibition here in Boston and in Toronto. He traded suits and jackets to artists for their selfportraits. Unfortunately there were space considerations and Colin‘s picture did not arrive to be part of the exhibit.

Colin came to the U.S. sometime in the late ‚50‘s as I recall and created a large body of work here in the States. He and I became good friends while I was attending Columbia University and his studio was not far from campus. He was often a visitor to my parents home in NY and frequently gave gifts of his paintings to them. He died sometime in the late ‚70‘s or early ‚80‘s and my parents had a large body of his works that are now all archived at my home in the Boston area.

I am seeking historical information about his life in Berlin before and during the war. I would appreciate any data that there may be about this dynamic artist.

Ralph Wagner
Chiffre 108307