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Berlin in the fall of 1997 is a peaceful city. Women shop, children return to school, men who look like they could be my father or brother go to work. My husband, on the way to synagogue from our hotel, studies the food stands people are buying breakfast from on their way to their lives. Signs

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time, two little boys were standing on the corner of a street. It was summer, the year was 1936 and the place was Charlottenburg in Berlin. The Olympic Games were taking place close to where they lived. Once Upon a Time

My Most Memorable Visit to Berlin

On November 9, 1938, Kristallnacht, the life of our family was forever changed and my childhood abruptly ended. We had lived in comfort on Meranerstrasse, just off Bayerischer Platz. My father was a successful businessman. My Most Memorable Visit to Berlin